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Happy, hungry, worms

Happy, hungry, worms

It has been over 3 months since we set up our Urbalive worm farm. We have put A LOT of green waste into it, almost every day and have not quite filled our first tray. Watching the process is incredible. Seeing your kitchen scraps turn into lush, rich compost is a...
Summer Irrigation Solutions

Summer Irrigation Solutions

Summer is here! Make sure you are prepared for those hot sunny days! Whether you are tending to your blooms, away on holidays or have an allotment with prize winning veg, Skyline Grower has the easy garden irrigation systems solution to suit your needs! Irrigatia...
Summer Hanging Baskets

Summer Hanging Baskets

As we approach the longest day of the year, your plants will be flourishing. We know that space can be of a premium to a lot of avid gardeners, so why not try the Lechuza Nido Cottage Round Outdoor Self Watering Hanging Planter Pot With Potting Mix self-watering...