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Plant Feed and Liquid Fertilizer for Plants

We offer a range of specialised liquid plant feed and liquid fertlilizers tailored for botanium systems, seedlings, tomatoes, chillies, fruits, and cuttings. Our products are designed to provide the nutrients and care needed for optimal growth and thriving plants.

Effortlessly Turn Your Food Scraps Into Nutrient-Rich Soil

and Give Your Plants the Food They Crave.

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Plant Food and Liquid Feed with Natural Nutrients for Vibrant Plants

Discover our range of liquid plant foods designed to empower you in your urban gardening journey. Overcome the challenges of urban gardening and create a vibrant, green sanctuary right in the heart of the city. With our liquid fertilizers for plants and edible crops, you can effortlessly transform your small outdoor space into a lush and sustainable oasis. Join the thriving community of successful urban gardeners who are all sowing seeds of success when feeding their garden plants and botanium systems our powerful plant food and also contribute to a greener urban environment.

feed your self-watering botanium systems our liquid fertilizers for chilles

Plant Feed and Liquid Fertilizers What are They?

Our liquid plant feed, also known as liquid feed or liquid fertilizer, is a concentrated nutrient solution that provides essential minerals and natural nutrients to your plants in liquid form. They are made up of water-soluble minerals, organic compounds, and other beneficial substances that can be easily absorbed by plant roots for fast results. They encourage the repoductive process of your plants and direct more energy into flowering and fruiting, resulting in stronger, healthier, and higher yields. Feeding plants our plant feed will provide them with the neccessary phosphorus and potassium without the risk of stressing them out.Our liquid fertilizer formulas are applied directly to the soil or sprayed (foliar feeds) onto plant leaves, providing a quick and efficient way to feed your pot plants, crops, and flowers.

Our liquid fertilizer and  works on most plants, tomato seedlings, feed your plants in spring

Why Should You Choose Our Liquid Plant Food?

Our liquid fertilizers and specialised plant feed are more than just plant food; they are the secret to a flourishing garden. They help enrich your plants with the nutrients necessary to grow into healthy, robust, and productive plants. Use them with a base dressing in your soil, like bokashi compost or worm farm compost, and watch your plants flourish. What’s more, our fertilizers are incredibly user-friendly and require minimal storage space.

natural nutrients for seedlings with liquid fertilizer

The Power Of Our Liquid Feed and Plant Fertilizers

What are the Benefits?

Quick Nutrient Absorption

Our plant food conveniently dissolves in water, allowing plants to effortlessly absorb vital nutrients through their roots. This leads to rapid growth and the development of strong, healthy plants.

Precise Application

Our liquid fertilizers offer you precise control over the amount and concentration of nutrients you apply, ensuring your plants receive the exact nourishment they require without the risk of over-feeding or under-feeding.

Even Distribution

Our liquid fertilizers spread evenly throughout the soil and promote uniform growth, minimising the risk of nutrient deficiencies in different areas of your plants.

Quick Response

Our liquid fertilizers offer a quick and effective solution to tackle nutrient deficiencies. They come to the rescue when your plants experience a sudden decline in health or when you want to improve plant growth and promote fruitful yields during the spring growing season.

Compatable and Versitale

Our fertilisers can seamlessly integrate into your watering routine and work well with water-butt drip irrigation systems as well as self-watering planters This incredibly convenient watering method ensures a steady supply of essential nutrients to plants across the entire growing area.

Give Your Plants a Nutrient- Rich Boost with our Easy to Use Liquid Plant Food

Botanium Nutrients Liquid Fertilizer

 Botanium nutrients is a liquid fertilizer containing both primary and secondary nutrients with trace elements. This specifically designed nutrient solution is suitable for growing all kinds of plants in botanium systems.

Each bottle within the Botanium system will typically last between 12 to 18 months. However, the duration may vary depending on the specific plant being grown. For instance, chilli plants tend to require more hydration compared to basil.

Plantit Tomato Feed Liquid Fertilizer

 Our specialised tomato feed caters to containers and in-ground gardening, providing essential nutrients for plant growth in limited spaces. This balanced mix of potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, sulphur, and magnesium enhances tomato growth and fruit production while bolstering overall plant health and resistance to pests. Apply every 2–4 weeks during growing time, adjusting frequency as your plant matures, making it ideal for small-space container gardening.It easily fits into your watering routine.

Plantit Chilli and Pepper

Don’t let those seeds collect dust any longer; nurture them into flourishing chilies and peppers! Plantit plant food for chillies and peppers offers a balanced nutrient mix with an emphasis on potassium that encourages healthy soil, foliage, and flowering, resulting in higher yields of flavorful peppers and chillies. Our formulation includes calcium and magnesium to prevent blossom end rot, a common issue in chilli plants. It’s typically applied every 2–4 weeks during the growing season.

Rootit First Feed

Rootit First Feed is meticulously crafted to provide young plants with an optimal start in life. This nutrient-rich formula is designed to support healthy growth during propagation, ensuring every plant receives everything it needs. With its high concentration and user-friendly application, Rootit First Feed is perfect for various propagation media like coco plugs and natural sponges. Give your plants the best care they deserve.

Rootit First Feed promotes rapid and robust root development, optimising early growth, bolstering plant resistance against infection and disease, and establishing the foundation for overall plant health.

Let Your Garden Thrive

Feed Your Plants the Nutrients they Need

As an urban gardener, you face unique challenges that traditional gardeners may not face. It`s important to note that using liquid fertilizer to encourage healthy plant growth on its own is not the answer. If you want a garden that’s healthy and thriving, we recommend an approach that’s holistic and addresses all aspects of your garden. A garden with a healthy soil structure absorbs more fertiliser and improves plant growth. Regular composting and ensuring proper irrigation are crucial for maintaining healthy soil.

Plant Feed and Liquid Fertilizer FAQ

Is tomato feed good for all plants?

Our Plantit tomato feed is a complete, balanced liquid fertlizer that contains all the essential micronutrients for tomatoes. You can also grow cucumbers and aubergines with this solution. And though it probably wont hurt any of your other plants, we do recommend that you use our Fruit Booster on other flowering and fruiting plants instead

Is your liquid feeds suitable for indoor and outdoor use?

Our liquid feeds are versatile and can be used indoors for hydroponic growing, as well as on balconies and in outdoor gardens.

How and when should i apply your liquid plant food on my plants?

We recommend that you incorporate our plant feeds along with your regular composting and fertilizing routine. Our liquid plant feeds are diluted with water and can be applied every 2 to 4 weeks

Get Started Today

Why Wait? Start Feeding Your Plants the Nutrients they Deserve 

If you have any questions or need any help using any of our liquid plantfeeds, send us a message and our friendly support staff would be glad to help.