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Urbalive Worm Farm Wormery



Composting Worms Transform Food Scraps Into Valuable Compost For Your Garden

The Urbalive Worm Farm wormery is a stylish and practical solution for composting kitchen waste using earthworms. Our trendy urbalive worm composter is perfect for households, classrooms, or offices, allowing you to creatively reduce food waste, support our ecosystem, and feed your plants.

With its modern design, our Urbalive worm farm wormery features composting layers where earthworms work their magic, creating vermicompost that can be collected in a separate container. This vermicompost is packed with rich nutrients, enzymes, and natural growth hormones, making it a fantastic addition to your soil and garden. What’s more, the liquid worm tea (black gold) that collects in the container is a nutrient-rich liquid filled with natural goodness that stimulates healthy plant growth. Simply mix the tea with water and nourish your plants with this organic elixir.

Say goodbye to waste and hello to a greener, more sustainable lifestyle with our Urbalive Worm composter. Watch your worms transform food scraps into vermicompost effortlessly

Why Choose an Urbalive Worm Farm Wormery?

  1. Ideal for Indoor and Outdoor Use
  2. Effortless and Odor-Free Worm Composting (tight-fitting lid)
  3. Efficiently handles large waste volumes while keeping tray weight manageable.
  4. Expandable with the ability to add additional trays as needed.
  5. Quick assembly in less than 10 minutes
  6. Worm composting outperforms a bokashi bin by processing a greater amount of waste.
  7. Produces valuable worm castings (vermicompost), which is an ideal base for potting compost
  8. Produces nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer (liquid worm tea)
  9. Produces rich nutrients and enzymes for healthy plants

Urbalive Worm Farm FAQ’s

Where do I put my Urbalive worm composter? Indoors or outdoors? 

You can place your Urbalive worm composter either indoors or outdoors; however, it is important to always ensure that the earthworms have an optimal temperature of approximately 20°C (68 °F). It is also key that there is plenty of moisture in the tray.

During the winter, you should keep your Urbalive worm farm insulated to withstand a sudden drop in temperature or to avoid the risk of frost. In the summer, please avoid leaving the Worm Farm in direct sunlight. This is to prevent water evaporation and overheating. The temperature in your Urbalive worm farm should not drop below 5°C or exceed 25°C. The best place to keep your Urbalive worm composter is in the garage, garden shed, green house, or kitchen.

Which worms are used for composting? 

Our composting worms consist of a mixture of species, primarily reds and dendras, specifically chosen for their exceptional composting abilities. These extraordinary worms possess insatiable appetites and are known by an array of names, including wiggly wigglers, tiger worms, brandlings, reds, and dendras. They thrive in wormeries, are known to be fast breeders (they can lay an egg every 10 days), and achieve maturity within weeks. It is worth noting that common garden earthworms, unfortunately, do not exhibit the same level of performance in similar conditions as our worms.

What can go into my worm farm?

A variety of kitchen scraps and other organic materials can be added to your Urbalive worm farm. This includes fruit and vegetable peelings, tea bags, coffee grounds, coffee filters, shredded newspaper, cardboard,crushed egg shells,dry baked goods, left-over cooked vegetables, paper napkins, dampened cardboard, and uncooked grains like oats or wheat germ.

What cannot go into my worm farm?

Certain materials should not be added to your Urbalive worm farm; this includes meat or fish, dairy products, cooked grains, dog and cat droppings, spicey foods, bones, citrus fruit peelings (even if composted), and any kind of oil or fatty foods

How long does it take to compost one full container? 

Patience and care are key! Creating high-quality compost typically requires a period of around 2–3 months. The duration hinges on factors such as the number of compost worms and the quality of the food. It’s vital to note that the composting method differs between the initial stages and later on. So, to ensure the thriving of your worms, it is advised to allow them ample time to settle and reproduce without overwhelming them with excessive food right away. Once the earthworms have acclimated well, you will notice a quicker processing of the food you provide, allowing you to feed them more frequently.

Can I compost with worms all year round?

Composting with live worms is a year-round possibility, as long as you provide them shelter from extreme conditions. In colder climates, consider making adjustments by offering insulation, like insulating blankets, to create a suitable environment. By doing so, you can maintain optimal conditions for effective worm composting throughout the year.

Is it necessary to regularly sift or rake through the compost?

If the compost appears overly moist or is lacking in air, it is recommended to gently rake it. However, we strongly discourage excessive raking or sifting through the compost, as it can disturb the worms and their habitats. The worms have specific areas where they lay their eggs, and causing unnecessary disturbance would be counterproductive.

How often should I feed my earthworms? 

You’ll be amazed at how resilient earthworms are when it comes to fasting. They can easily go without food for two weeks and, at most, survive up to four weeks

Once you notice that your container is filling up and the earthworms might soon run out of food, it’s time to load the next level and start composting. The compost from the bottom of the container can then be used as high-quality fertilizer or dried for future use

How do I use the worm tea?

Worm tea is an excellent liquid fertilizer that helps your plants grow, and you can use it for indoor plants, flower pots, and garden plants. It contains a lot of rich nutrients and high amounts of natural growth hormones, nutrients, and enzymes that promote natural growth and help build the plants’ resistance to pests. To collect worm tea, use a plastic or glass bottle and store it in a cool, dark place. It has a shelf life of approximately two to three months. For best results, dilute the worm tea with water at a ratio of 1:5. For instance, mix 10 ml of worm tea with 50 ml of water.

Read more on how to set up your Urbalive Worm Farm as well as our blog on Happy Hungry Worms

For more reasons on why to invest in a Urbalive worm farm read our blog From Scraps to Gold: The Top 12 Advantages of Having Your Own Urbalive Wormery

Our 250g Worm starter kit works and Compst Worms perfectly with this Urbalive worm farm

The box contains: 1 x urbalive worm farm planter, 1 x cover, 1 x extra tray insert, and 1 x grille.

Replacement parts: Cover, Tray, Filter 

Product dimensions (W x H): 505 x 605 mm


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• Stylish vermicompost worm farm; • Ideal for recycling organic kitchen waste; • Great for feeding your plants and garden Create your own Worm Tea. • Suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Add your worm starter pack here.

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