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How to set up your Urbalive worm farm

Why compost?

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your own compost is one of the most natural ways to get rid of organic waste.
It creates a nutrient rich product that helps you to grow plants and vegetables
without the need for chemical fertilisers – recycling the goodness.

What is vermicomposting?

Using earth worms help speed up the composting process. Worms are nature’s secret in helping to get rid of waste products before decay and disease creeps in, keeping things clean and in order.

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Why Urbalive?

The Urbalive Worm Farm Wormery is stylish, modern and can add a pop of colour to any kitchen or garden. The trays are stackable allowing you to keep feeding your worms whilst maturing compost as well as extending if you have more organic waste. Vegetables can be up to 90% water. As the worms digest the scraps, this water seeps through the system and collects in the unit base that can be drained with the handy tap. Dilute this and water your plants!

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Contents of box:

    • Base unit

    • Tap

    • 4 wooden legs

    • 4 screws

Set Up

Take the
base unit and turn upside down. Place the wooden legs into each of the slots
and screw them into place through the hole on the side. Once all are secured,
screw the tap into the central hole – the main construction is complete!

Place the grille filter into the top of the base unit. This will capture any debris or escaping worm falling into the worm tea collection area. Pop the first tray on top.

Ideally add a layer of coir to this tray with damp shredded paper, cardboard or leaves. This will be the bedding and worms will eat this as well as burrow into it. Add the worms and leave open for a while so that the worms can establish and burrow down away from the light. After a few hours, cover with a sheet of newspaper and then place the lid on top. This is classed as your carbon source for the wormery (All items can be found in our worm starter kit).

After a
week you can add your nitrogen source in the form of kitchen scraps. Veggie
peelings, egg shells, tea leaves, coffee grounds. Just be careful not to add
too much acidic material and avoid any meat or dairy products. Keep the scraps
to a layer no more than a couple of inches. Worms can eat up to half their body
weight per day so will get through it quickly!

Keep adding scraps until your first tray is almost full and then you can add the second tray on top. Start the process again with a layer of bedding and the worm will travel up through the tray holes.


Read our 3-month update Happy Hungry Worms here