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From Scraps to Gold: The Top 12 Advantages of Having Your Own Urbalive Wormery

Worm Composting With Composting Worms

Welcome to the world of worm composting, where kitchen scraps transform into gardening gold. If you’re looking to embrace sustainable living and cultivate a greener, more fruitful garden, a Urbalive wormery is your key to success. In this guide, we’ll delve into the top advantages of having your own Urbalive wormery, uncovering the magic behind turning waste into a nutrient-rich elixir for your plants.

composting worms have a varied diet, food waste for your wormery bin

How does a wormery work?

A wormery operates by harnessing the natural digestive process of worms to transform kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost for your garden. Also known as vermicomposting this process is remarkably straightforward: simply feed the worms food scraps, and they will convert them into soil brimming with nutrients, fostering the optimal growth of your plants. By using a wormery, you can reduce waste headed for landfills and repurpose the organic waste generated by your household in an environmentally sustainable manner.

We have previously established our Urbalive worm farm wormery and populated it with lively wiggler worms. We have chronicled our experience and cordially invite you to peruse our blog posts on the topic: “How to Set Up Your Urbalive Worm Farm and Happy Hungry Worms.


1. Perfect for Indoor Composting , Apartments and Small Spaces

With its sleek and compact design, the Urbalive worm farm has been meticulously crafted to facilitate indoor composting, even in small spaces. Say goodbye to unpleasant odours and say hello to effortless management. In a remarkably short span, you will be rewarded with high-quality compost that can be utilized for nurturing your lush indoor plants or vibrant garden. Read our Ultimate Guide To Indoor Gardening for tips on how you can easily establish your lush green oasis indoors

yellow Urbalive Wormery in kitchen composting food waste

2. Transforming Food Waste into Gold with Compost Worms

Your kitchen scraps have the potential to become gold for your garden. A Urbalive worme is a mini-ecosystem where red wigglers (composting worms) work tirelessly to break down organic matter, converting it into nutrient-rich finished compost. By diverting food scraps and kitchen waste from landfills, you not only reduce your environmental impact but also create a valuable resource for your garden.In your wormery, you can compost a wide range of food waste, such as fruit and vegetable peelings, coffee grounds, tea bags, eggshells, and small quantities of bread and grains. This means you no longer have to waste these valuable resources!

tiger worms, composting worms, brandling worm

3. Efficient and Low-Maintenance

Setting up and maintaining a Urbalive wormery is surprisingly easy. With minimal effort, you can enjoy a constant supply of compost. Unlike traditional composting methods, a wormery requires less space and no turning of the compost pile. The most that you will be doing is occasionally fork the compost over to check that your worms are present and healthy, and if needed remove excess or undigested food .If you are looking for a high retrn on your composting efforts with minimal effort then a Urbalive wormery is for you.

Urbalive wormery with worm compost , kitchen waste and composting worms

4. Natural Fertilizer Factory

Worm castings, also referred to as worm casts or worm poo, are the valuable byproduct of vermicomposting. Bursting with nutrients, these castings work wonders for soil structure, water retention, and plant growth. Whey you incorporate worm castings into your soil, you witness the remarkable transformation of healthier plants and vibrant blooms, all thanks to this natural fertiliser factory right in your own home.

Composting worms live on the surface, tiger worms, worm compost , worm bin, large plastic box .

5. Biodiversity Boost

Worms are more than just composting heroes; they play a vital role in soil biodiversity. Their burrowing actions facilitate the circulation of air and water, enhancing soil structure and health. Moreover, worms collaborate harmoniously with beneficial microorganisms, fostering a flourishing ecosystem beneath the earth’s surface.

moist compost, child hands , compsting worms for your wormery

6. Year-Round Composting

Wormeries like our Urbalive worm farm offer a unique advantage: they can be operated indoors, allowing for year-round composting. This is particularly beneficial in colder months when outdoor composting y may slow down. Indoor worm composting ensures that you have continuous supply of compost, providing you with a steady stream of nutrient-rich goodness for your garden plants. If you like the idea of indoor composting and composting all your round read our blog Bokashi Composting: The Complete Guide

All Year round composting with a urbalive compost bin

7. Cost-Effective Gardening

Investing in a wormery is an investment in cost-effective gardening. The nutrient-rich compost produced by your worms significantly reduces the need for store-bought fertilizers. Over time, this translates into tangible cost savings, making your garden not only eco-friendly but budget-friendly as well.

compost with excess liquid , composting with worms , garden greens

8. Versatility in Waste Processing

Wormeries are surprisingly versatile when it comes to waste processing. Beyond fruit and vegetable scraps, they can handle a variety of materials, including coffee grounds, eggshells, and shredded paper. However, it’s important to know what to avoid – steer clear of meat, dairy, and citrus, as these can disrupt the delicate balance of the wormery.

cooked vegetables, food waste for wormey with compost worms

8. Educational and Family-Friendly

Worm farming isn’t just for adults; it’s an educational and family-friendly activity. Children can learn about the environment, the importance of reducing waste, and the fascinating world of worms. Involving the whole family in your wormery journey creates a sense of shared responsibility and a deeper connection to sustainable living.

child in garden learning about plants

9. Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

By composting kitchen waste with a wormery, you contribute to a smaller carbon footprint. Traditional waste disposal methods, such as landfilling, produce greenhouse gases. In contrast, wormery composting produces minimal emissions, making it a more eco-friendly option for waste management.

Reduce your carbon foot print with composting worms

10. Worm Tea for Plant Health

Worm tea, a liquid fertilizer derived from steeping worm castings, is a valuable asset for nurturing your plants. Abundant in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, worm tea offers a nutrient boost and aids in enhancing soil structure. Consistent application can bolster plant vitality, stimulate growth, and fortify against pests. Furthermore, our Urbalive worm farm features a convenient tap for effortless worm tea collection.

Tap for excess liquid, worm tea , worm wee, bottom tray , used in a wormery,

11. Soil Structure Improvement

Worm castings contribute to the improvement of soil structure. Their presence wil enhance the soil aeration of your garden your allowing plant roots to access oxygen easily. This, in turn, promotes a healthier root system and encourages the growth of beneficial soil organisms.

compost heaps, air circulation

12. Encouraging Sustainable Practices

Beyond the immediate benefits to your garden, a Urbalive wormery encourages sustainable practices in your daily life. It prompts a reevaluation of waste generation, inspires a deeper connection to the environment, and fosters a sense of responsibility for the impact of individual actions. In essence, a wormery becomes a catalyst for broader sustainable living.


In the realm of gardening, a wormery is a true game-changer. As you embark on this journey, you’re not merely investing in compost; you’re embracing a sustainable lifestyle. From scraps to golden soil, your wormery holds the key to transforming your garden and reducing your ecological impact. Embrace the numerous benefits, cultivate a thriving ecosystem, and let your wormery act as the catalyst for a greener, more sustainable future. Happy composting!